Level 2 - Lessons 1-2-3: SPELL - DO - GET UP

Welcome to Step 2!

You've made it this far, which is a huge step toward making your dream come true. Congrats!

Now, it's time to improve your LISTENING skills.

On this stage of One Minute Portuguese, you will take the verbs and sentences from Step 1 and keep building your vocabulary.

Before you watch the videos, let me remind you:

  • You don’t have to be 100 percent confident with Step 1 before moving on.
  • As much as you keep the verbs before your eyes - by reviewing the Spaced Repetition Worksheet - you will increase your chances to remember what you're learning.

Take one baby step at a time and you will be more and more confident with your Portuguese. That's why you started Step 1 by reading.

On this Step, you should listen to all the phrases and pay special attention to the Brazilian pronunciation...

So that by the end of this step you may be able to understand 450 phrases in Portuguese just by LISTENING.

Ready? Let's go! =D

Action Item:

  1. Practice listening the phrases from Step 1 without reading along, and check how many you already understand. Whenever you need it, take a look at the screeen. It's a process. The more you review, the faster you learn.

When you complete the action item, hit 'complete and continue'. Step 2 is waiting for you!

Complete and Continue  